Renewing Boat Owner Membership

Thank you for renewing your membership with CORA!

Annual Boat Owner Membership is $206. All Boat Owner Memberships will have an annual renewal date of March 31st.  Please note that if you renew any time after March 31st, up to the next annual renewal date of March 31, you will be charged the full $209 annual membershipn (ie, renewal annual dues are not pro-rated).

This form is for payment via Stripe or ACH. Use the Choose Payment dropdown below to select which one.

Please note fields marked (*) are required.

Boat Owners must submit a signed CAPTAIN WAIVER each year, prior to racing. These forms may be mailed emailed to, or uploaded using the form below.

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I wish to receive any and all emergency SMS messages during regattas at CORA

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Annual Membership April 1 to March 31 - 206.00 USD
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0.00 USD
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